Sunday, September 23, 2012

Koen's Birthday Weekend

I had a great time celebrating my third birthday - we stretched it out into a four-day party!  Uncle Ray and his girlfriend Narin came to visit and we took the Metra train out to the Botanical Gardens.  It was a beautiful day, but the best part was the huge model train display in one section of the gardens - I could have stayed there all day!

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris came on Sunday and we all took the train downtown on Monday - the weather was beautiful again and we saw more trains, of course!

It's a Thomas cake!!!!!

Gordon is my favorite engine!

A birthday weekend full of family and trains - what more could I ask for?!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Here I am, ready for my first day of Kindergarten!  I picked out a new backpack, lunch bag, and got all my school supplies while we were in MI and I couldn't wait to try them out.  I go to kindergarten every day from 7:45am until 2:45 pm.

I can ride my bike to school which is really fun.

 We all have our own hooks in the coat closet, mine is right next to my buddy Nathan.
 This is my seat at my table with 6 other kids.  We have breakfast first thing in the morning and then we get started with our school day.  Now that I have a full day of school we have specials every day (art, music, computers, library, and gym), reading groups, and we get to eat lunch in the lunchroom.  I had a lot of fun my first week and am so happy to be in kindergarten!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A few more from the U.P.

Couldn't forget hiking Hungarian Falls with Grandma and Grandpa and enjoying the rides at the Houghton County Fair with our buddy Max!

U.P. Summer Vacation - Part 2

We spent more days out at the camp to finish off our vacation - what a wonderful place to be!

We played a post-dinner baseball game in the front driveway to end our last night.  Thanks for letting us take over your house, Grandma and Grandpa!  We love you!