Monday, December 27, 2010

Koen's 15-mo Stats

Length: 32 in (75%)
Weight: 21 lbs 12 oz (10-25%)
Head: 19 in (75%)

The news from my latest doc appt kind of got lost in the Christmas excitement, but here's a quick recap.  Right now my favorite toys are balls and anything that plays music.  I love dropping/rolling the balls and then chasing them down.  I am still very easy going and sweet-natured and love interacting with people.  I'm not walking yet, but very close!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Gifts from Grandpa Mike & Grandma Lisa

Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts - we all love them!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Busy Weekend

We went to lower MI last weekend for Auntie Sarah's college graduation, Auntie Nina's baby shower, a belated birthday celebration for Emmie and an early Christmas celebration.  It was quite the weekend!

Grandpa Mike surprised us all by showing up - we thought he was still in China!!

It was so much fun spending time with Grandpa Mike and Grandma Lisa and we were so happy they were able to come back from China for a visit.  We love you!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Noah's Preschool Holiday Program

We had a holiday program at school on Wednesday and Mom, Dad, and Koen got to come and watch me sing with my class and then we had treats afterwards with everybody.  It was a fun day!

Koen was thrilled with the show...or maybe just with his Cheerios.
All decked out!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter Wonderfest

It's officially an annual Mayra Family tradition now - we had SO MUCH FUN!!
 We all rode on the Reindeer Express together this year - my ride of choice from last year.
 This was a favorite new addition this year :-)
 Mommy even went on one of the adult rides - I think she had just as much fun as me and Koen!
 Now that's what I call a Christmas cookie!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving and Christmas Picture Out-Takes

We do not understand why Mom kept insisting on taking "just one more"...they all look great to us!   Enjoy :-)