Monday, March 29, 2010

Koen's 6-month Stats

Can you believe that I'm 6 months old already!?!?  The time sure has flown by so let me give you a little update on where I'm at.  Here are my stats from the doc - she said I'm doing great:
Height: 27 inches (75%)
Weight: 15lbs, 12oz (10-25%)
Head: 17 3/8 inches (50-75%)
 I've been sleeping like a champ at night from 7pm-7am for the past few months now, but still haven't gotten the hang of this napping thing.  My mom keeps us pretty busy during the week to keep my big bro entertained so it's been hard to figure out a regular napping schedule that will work for all of us.  I rolled over a couple weeks ago...thank goodness because now I can get myself out of tummy time whenever I want!  I love playing with my hands, especially shoving them in my mouth and I've become quite vocal.  My favorite noise to make is a loud, throaty "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".  Even though Noah can be a bit much for me at times, he sure is entertaining and I love to watch him tear around this house.  He makes me laugh when he does the raspberries and dances to the train song on his CD. Here are some pics to go along with my updates.

I still like to play Mr. Serious sometimes, but overall I have become much more smiley!
 I'm really getting the hang of holding my own bottle and figured out that it's fun to be in control of it!
I've been eating rice cereal and started on some veggies now too...yum :-)  I know it doesn't look like I'm enjoying my peas but I really do love them now and chow them right down!

My latest accomplishment is sitting up (on a very soft surface to allow for lots of tumbles)...
But when that happens, I just laugh!
I am just starting to scoot around in a circle a bit on my tummy, but most of the time I just roll over and make it easy on myself.
Here I am with my buddy Sam - he's about 4 weeks older than me and it's going to be so much fun growing up together!
I love playing in my exersaucer and have figured out how all the toys work so it's a lot more fun now!  Of course, I always have a helper ready to "teach" me how to do it :-)
I'm starting to enjoy my big bro's books too.

Sometimes Mom and Dad are a little too over-protective when Noah wants to play with me - I do like a good thrill every now and then!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Grandpa Mike & Grandma Lisa Visit

Grandpa Mike and Grandma Lisa came back from China for a visit and we kicked it off with a fun family weekend at the cottage.
Koen sure enjoyed meeting his grandparents!!
 Emmie and I had a blast playing together and making everyone laugh :-)
Mommy tried her best to get a picture of the two of us smiling, but this is what she got.  Emmie and I hunted for Easter eggs multiple times throughout the weekend and once we decided they would make good photo props, it was all over!
I especially liked what was inside the eggs :-)
Koen loved snuggling with Auntie Sarah and just hanging out with the fam.
My cuz and I share many of the same interests...Culver's french fries and milk shakes, taking fun baths with Grandma Lisa, and riding bikes!
Here Emmie, let me help you with that bib...
After the weekend we continued the fun for a few more days in Chicago with Grandpa and Grandma.  And to top it off, Grandma Glo came to stay with us too!
 I got to celebrate my birthday for the 3rd time with them - it never gets old!
 It was so wonderful to see you, Grandpa and Grandma and we can't wait to see you again in July!  We love you!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Noah's 3-Year Stats

I went to the doc a couple weeks ago for my 3-yr appt and she said I'm a healthy lad!
Height: 39 inches (75%)
Weight: 32 lbs (50-75%)
They don't measure my head anymore now that I'm a big boy, but she did take my blood pressure and BMI which were both right on track.

Here are some pictures of what my brother and I have been up to lately...
Koen seems to be taking after me in some ways...

I've been practicing writing my letters and numbers and am getting really good!

But I can only concentrate for so long before I have to get crazy again :-)
Koen really is fond of that Grandpa Bob!

He's getting pretty good at holding the bottle but I still like to help.