Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Koen!

I'm TWO!

The doc said I'm lookin' good!
Weight: 26.75 lbs (25%)
Height: 33.5 inches (25%) - this is absolutely wrong...she tried to measure me standing up and I kept tilting my head down
Head: 19.75 inches (75-90%)

I had a balloon-themed birthday party and Mom and Dad had all the balloons covering the floor when they brought me down in the morning.  It was awesome!

Grandpa Bob made a short surprise visit - I was so happy to see him!

Noah and the other older kids did balloon races while the rest of us cheered them on.

"Mac-cheese"...nothing else I'd rather have for my birthday lunch!
I love candles too...
...this is going to be good!
Wow, everybody is singing just to me? I like it!

Hooray, I made a good mess of myself!
I enlisted the help of Noah and the older kids again for the gift opening - they are much more efficient :-)
This keyboard does everything!  I can't wait to sharpen my musical talent with this thing.  Thanks Grandpa Mike and Grandma Lisa!

1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful you had a balloon themed birthday party, Koen! Your balloons are really pretty.
